Last Updated: 2024-04-16


AWS PrivateLink provides private connectivity between virtual private clouds (VPCs), supported AWS services, and on-premises networks without exposing traffic to the public internet.

Starburst Galaxy supports AWS PrivateLink for some of its catalogs. In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure PrivateLink for an Amazon RDS instance using an AWS CloudFormation Template (CFT).

What is an AWS CloudFormation Template (CFT)?

A CloudFormation template (CFT) is a JSON or YAML file used to define AWS resources and their configurations when deploying application or infrastructure stacks. It is a popular way of automating infrastructure deployments on AWS, and is particularly useful in multi-region clusters.

The CFT provided in this tutorial should be used whenever you are working with a multi-region RDS cluster or Aurora cluster. These clusters can failover from one availability zone to another, resulting in a change in the endpoint's IP address. The CFT includes a crucial Lambda script that monitors failovers and updates the IP address of the target group used by the endpoint service accordingly. This ensures seamless and continuous service availability even during failover events.

The CFT also deploys the target group, network load balancer, and endpoint service required for PrivateLink.

Scope of tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use a CFT to configure AWS PrivateLink for an Amazon RDS instance.

Learning objectives

Once you've completed this tutorial, you will be able to:


About Starburst tutorials

Starburst tutorials are designed to get you up and running quickly by providing bite-sized, hands-on educational resources. Each tutorial explores a single feature or topic through a series of guided, step-by-step instructions.

As you navigate through the tutorial you should follow along using your own Starburst Galaxy account. This will help consolidate the learning process by mixing theory and practice.


If you are configuring PrivateLink for the first time you are encouraged to work with a Starburst technical resource. This individual will work with you to set up the environment needed to complete the tutorial.

Contacting your technical resource

To be assigned this resource, you should reach out to your regular Starburst account team for assistance.

Working together

Once assigned, your Starburst technical resource will work with you to set up an environment where you can complete the tutorial.

Please review the following overview of this process before beginning the tutorial.

Your responsibilities:


Understanding the Amazon RDS PrivateLink architecture is important when completing the steps in this tutorial. In this section you will learn about this architecture and the way that Starburst Galaxy uses it to securely connect private clouds.

This tutorial also follows the corresponding GitHub readme on the topic. It is recommended that you review this alongside this tutorial for more information.

Reference architecture

The following diagram illustrates a PrivateLink connection between the Starburst Galaxy VPC and the Amazon RDS VPC.

Review the diagram and corresponding notes below for more information.

  1. Once the PrivateLink configuration is complete, an endpoint is created in the Starburst Galaxy VPC (Source).

    This endpoint connects to a Network Load Balancer located inside an endpoint service situated in the Amazon RDS VPC (Destination).

    This establishes a private connection between Starburst Galaxy and Amazon RDS, enabling PrivateLink functionality.
  2. In this reference architecture, the Starburst Galaxy VPC is the source.
  3. In this reference architecture, the Amazon RDS VPC is the destination.


It's time to get started. In this section, you'll begin by obtaining some key information about your Amazon RDS instance, including:

You'll need this information to prepare the CloudFormation Template prior to deployment.

Step 1: Sign in to AWS console

You're going to start by signing in to your AWS console.

Remember that this should be the AWS account containing the RDS instance that you would like to connect using PrivateLink, so if you use multiple AWS accounts, ensure that you pick the correct one.

Step 2: Select RDS instance

Now it's time to find the right RDS instance. Depending on your workflow, you might have multiple instances in the same AWS account, so make sure you select the correct one.

Step 3: Record RDS details

Now it's time to record details about your RDS instance.

For example:

Step 4: Record RDS endpoint IP address

Next, you will use your RDS endpoint to determine its IP address.

To do this, you'll use a terminal window. Again, you will be copying information into your text editor.

Note: The command you choose will depend on your operating system. Be sure to replace [rds-endpoint] with your actual RDS endpoint.


Now it's time to work with the CloudFormation Template. You will be using a template file provided by AWS. This template simplifies resource creation by completing most of the steps automatically.

For this to work, you will need to enter the required information from your RDS instance. After that, the CFT will create a target group, load balancer, endpoint service, and AWS lambda automatically.

In production, this helps to save significant time.

Step 1: Download the prepared template file

The AWS-samples GitHub repository provides a template file outlining cross-account access methods using PrivateLink.

You'll download this file to simplify the CFT deployment.

Step 2: Begin CFT deployment

Now that you have your CFT template, it's time to deploy the CFT in the AWS console.

Step 3: Upload the CFT template

Next you'll upload the template that you obtained from GitHub.

Step 4: Configure stack parameters

The template you just uploaded has several parameters that must be entered.

You're going to use the information you recorded in the first section of this tutorial to complete the next few steps.

Step 5: Configure VPC input for lambda

Next, it's time to add additional parameters to the CFT. Specifically, you need to enter information into the VPC input for lambda section of the console.

Step 6: Monitor stack deployment until complete

Your stack deployment will now be created. This process takes several minutes.

While you wait, you should monitor the progress of your stack deployment to ensure that the process has finished.


The CFT you configured in the last section created a stack of available resources. You will now configure these resources to work with your RDS instance using PrivateLink.

To do this, you will update the target group by adding your RDS endpoint IP address to the registered targets list.

Step 1: Find your target group

In the last section, you ended on the information page listing the details of the new stack that you created using the CFT.

You will continue from this stage by locating your target group.

Step 2: Provide your RDS endpoint IP address

Now it's time to add your RDS endpoint IP address to the list of targets for the target group.


Time to switch gears. You've completed all of the steps required on your own. Now it's time to contact the Starburst support team to finish the last steps.

Step 1: Locate your endpoint service name

Starburst support needs this information to complete the steps on their end.

Step 2: Open support ticket

You are going to use the automated assistant in Starburst Galaxy to open a support ticket and provide support with the Service name that you just copied. You will also need to provide the port your database is listening on and your preferred Starburst Galaxy PrivateLink configuration name.

Step 3: Confirm endpoint connection

That's it. The connection is now being created. This process takes between 1 to 3 minutes to complete.

When this process is complete, you are finished and ready to start using PrivateLink.

Tutorial complete

Congratulations! You have reached the end of this tutorial, and the end of this stage of your journey.

You're all set! Now you can use PrivateLink to configure access from Starburst Galaxy to data in your Amazon RDS instance.

Continuous learning

At Starburst, we believe in continuous learning. This tutorial provides the foundation for further training available on this platform, and you can return to it as many times as you like. Future tutorials will make use of the concepts used here.

Next steps

Starburst has lots of other tutorials to help you get up and running quickly. Each one breaks down an individual problem and guides you to a solution using a step-by-step approach to learning.

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