Last Updated: 2024-01-19


Object storage is a type of data storage system that organizes data as objects rather than files. It is commonly used in data lakes and is one of the key reasons that data lakes are able to efficiently store large volumes of unstructured and semi-structured data.

Starburst Galaxy offers two methods for connecting to object storage in AWS.

This tutorial will follow the first approach, and will show you how to create a cross account IAM role using a step-by-step process.

Scope of tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure a cross account IAM role. To do this, you will work in both the AWS UI and Starburst Galaxy UI.

Learning objectives

Once you've completed this tutorial, you will be able to:


About Starburst tutorials

Starburst tutorials are designed to get you up and running quickly by providing bite-sized, hands-on educational resources. Each tutorial explores a single feature or topic through a series of guided, step-by-step instructions.

As you navigate through the tutorial you should follow along using your own Starburst Galaxy account. This will help consolidate the learning process by mixing theory and practice.


Starburst Galaxy separates users by role. Configuring a new catalog will require access to a role with appropriate privileges. Today, you'll be using the accountadmin role.

This is a quick step, but an important one.

Step 1: Set your role

First, you're going to start by confirming that you are using the accountadmin role. Your current role is listed in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 1: Configure a new IAM role in Starburst Galaxy

Now it's time to begin creating a new IAM role. You're going to start creating this in Starburst Galaxy, then finish creating it in the AWS console.

Step 2: Locate Starburst AWS account ID and External ID

Starburst Galaxy simplifies the process of obtaining your Starburst AWS account ID and External ID.

Both IDs will be used in the next step. For now, you're just going to locate them and confirm that they are present.

Step 1: Create a new IAM role

Now it's time to create a new IAM role. To do this, you're going to move to the AWS console to continue the setup process.

Step 2: Configure the role

Next, it's time to begin configuring the new role. This will require you to switch between the AWS console and the Starburst Galaxy UI.

Step 3: Add permissions to the role

Next, it's time to set the correct permissions for the new role. This will require you to locate the policy created by your cloud administrator for usage with Starburst Galaxy.

Step 4: Complete the role configuration

Next, it's time to create a meaningful name for your role. You will complete this step in the AWS console.

Step 5: Retrieve the IAM role ARN

Now it's time to retrieve the ARN for your IAM role from the AWS console. Later in this tutorial, you will use this in Starburst Galaxy.

Step 6: Complete the cross account IAM role configuration in Starburst Galaxy

Now it's time to complete the configuration process in Starburst Galaxy.

Tutorial complete

Congratulations! You have reached the end of this tutorial, and the end of this stage of your journey.

You're all set! Now you can use your cross account IAM role to configure access to data in your AWS catalogs.

Continuous learning

At Starburst, we believe in continuous learning. This tutorial provides the foundation for further training available on this platform, and you can return to it as many times as you like. Future tutorials will make use of the concepts used here.

Next steps

Starburst has lots of other tutorials to help you get up and running quickly. Each one breaks down an individual problem and guides you to a solution using a step-by-step approach to learning.

Tutorials available

Visit the Tutorials section to view the full list of tutorials and keep moving forward on your journey!

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