Datanova 2023: The Chief Data Rebel Officer Justin Borgman
Jess Iandiorio
Jess Iandiorio

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It’s an open secret that it’s been just over three years since I first ignored our CEO Justin Borgman’s cold LinkedIn recruiting outreach 😂 but he was persistent, and his persistence is one of the many qualities that makes him an exceptional Chief Data Rebel Officer.
We’re all lucky to work for him and with him.
I often uplift my team with inspirational videos, books, and quotes, so for Datanova 2023, for data rebels, I leave you with three quotes from Justin’s Seeds of a Revolution:
“Every single day we are working to dismantle the status quo of data silos and vendor lock-in. For decades, database companies have held their customers hostage and that’s just plain wrong.”
“Never in the history of modern computing has all of the data that you need existed in one single database. It’s just not possible. Decentralization, like entropy, is as old as the universe itself. There will always be data that lives outside of a central data warehouse and those able to reach it will make better and faster decisions for their business than those who cannot.”
“Starburst is on the right side of history, giving our customers the freedom to decide where their data lives and the ability to analyze data that they never had access to before. This is industry disruption at its finest.”
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