Live workshop

Starburst 101: Build a data lakehouse with Trino and Iceberg

August 28 | 11:00am - 12:30pm ET


About the workshop:

Are you intrigued by the concept of a data lakehouse but are looking for some hands on experience? Are you looking to turn your raw data in your data lake into secured, curated datasets – also known as data products – ready to deliver insights downstream?

On August 28, join us for our hands-on Starburst 101 workshop, where Starburst’s instructors will guide you through the fundamentals of how Starburst works and how it can help you and your team achieve your goals. This 90-minute session will first cover an introduction to Starburst and Trino, then transition to a live lab where you will build a federated data pipeline in your data lakehouse that produces secure data products. In this hands-on & instructor-led lab, you’ll use Starburst Galaxy, the easiest and fastest way to run Trino, in combination with Apache Iceberg, to build a data lakehouse architecture similar to architectures utilized by companies like Netflix, Pinterest, Prezi and more.

See additional details below! 


Sign up for the August workshop!

The lab will cover:

  • Discovering data hidden away in your data lake
  • Transforming your data and build a SQL data pipeline
  • Querying your data from your data lake and cloud data warehouse 
  • Creating, governing, and securing your data products with role-based access control


Experience a full end-to-end SQL data pipeline from data discovery, data transformations, the creation of data products, and implementing the security and governance required to publish those data products.


    Monica Miller

    Developer Advocate

    Start Free with
    Starburst Galaxy

    Up to $500 in usage credits included

    • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
    • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
    • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
    For more deployment options:
    Download Starburst Enterprise

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