
Data Literacy: An Imperative for Success in Business

Data literacy is not a math skill, it is a life skill

The digital technology world is created by data, driven by data, and defined by data. 

“The first thing to do is to recognize that data is everywhere, that nearly everything is digital, and that those digital things produce and consume data,” according to leading data scientist Kirk Borne. 

Data Literacy – the ability to read, work with, analyze and argue with data – therefore, becomes a key growth driver. While 84% of organizations consider data literacy a “core skill,” as per an Experian report, the inability to use and analyze data effectively is crippling businesses.

In this eBook, authored by Kirk Borne, in collaboration with Starburst, learn: 

  • Basics of data literacy: What is it? 
  • The current data landscape and challenges
  • Steps to build a thriving data literacy program at your organization
  • How data science uncovers patterns and how data literacy delivers the business value

Download your complimentary copy of this eBook and get on your way to building a foundation for a data literate organization today! 

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