How to use dbt and Trino with Iceberg for a change data capture on a data lake


In this example, we are going to use data from Amazon DMS to demonstrate how to use dbt and Trino with Iceberg for CDC on a data lake

In this article we assume that the DMS output is already available on S3.

The data from DMS is in CSV format for this example. We will have 1 file for the initial load that has the following contents:

I,100,Furniture,Product 1,25,2022-03-01T09:51:39.340396Z

I,101,Cosmetic,Product 2,20,2022-03-01T10:14:58.597216Z

I,102,Furniture,Product 3,30,2022-03-01T11:51:40.417052Z

I,103,Electronics,Product 4,10,2022-03-01T11:51:40.519832Z

I,104,Electronics,Product 5,50,2022-03-01T11:58:00.512679Z

Then we will have multiple CSV files for CDC records. The records scattered through those files are:

I,105,Furniture,Product 5,45,2022-03-02T09:51:39.340396Z

I,106,Electronics,Product 6,10,2022-03-02T09:52:39.340396Z

U,102,Furniture,Product 3,29,2022-03-02T11:53:40.417052Z

U,102,Furniture,Product 3,28,2022-03-02T11:55:40.417052Z

D,103,Electronics,Product 4,10,2022-03-02T11:56:40.519832Z
Notice that every row as an op attribute that represents the operation on the source record:

I – insert operations

U – update operations

D – delete operations

DMS enables the inclusion of this attribute which we will use as part of our incremental dbt models.

We can either use schema discovery in Galaxy to automatically create a table from these CSV files or we can create an external table that reads from the folder on S3 the files are stored on. We will use an external table for this article.

The table can be created with:

CREATE TABLE products (
    op VARCHAR, 
    product_id VARCHAR, 
    category VARCHAR, 
    product_name VARCHAR, 
    quantity_available VARCHAR, 
    last_update_time VARCHAR
) WITH (
    type   = 'hive',
    format = 'CSV',
    external_location = 's3://posullivdata/dms/products'

DMS Source Model

We are going to have a model named stg_dms__products that reads from the source DMS table. This model will use the incremental materialization type in dbt so that after the initial load we will only process new CDC records created by DMS. We achieve this with this CTE:

source as (
    select * from {{ source('dms', 'products')}}
    {% if is_incremental() %}
      where last_update_time > (
        select max(last_update_time)
        from {{ this }}
    {% endif %}

This model must also ensure that only the latest update for a row will be appied. This is achieved by selecting the last operation for each row in this CTE:

dedup as (
    select *
    from (
        row_number() over (
          partition by product_id order by last_update_time desc
        ) as row_num
      from source
    where row_num = 1

Staging Models

We want to use an efficient incremental materialization for the stg_products model.

The most efficient with Trino and Iceberg is to have dbt generate a MERGE statement. We are targeting generating a MERGE statement such as:

MERGE INTO stg_products_merged spm
USING (SELECT * FROM cdc_products) cdc
    ON =

To have dbt generate a MERGE statement we set incremental_strategy to the value merge.

Now based on recommendations from dbt documentations on how to a MERGE statement, we first need to write a CTE for inserts, updates, and deletes:

updates as (
      false "to_delete"
      {{ ref('stg_dms__products') }}
    where op = 'U'
    {% if is_incremental() %}
    and last_update_time > (
        select max(last_update_time)
        from {{ this }}
    {% endif %}
deletes as (
      true "to_delete"
      {{ ref('stg_dms__products') }}
    where op = 'D'
    {% if is_incremental() %}
    and last_update_time > (
        select max(last_update_time)
        from {{ this }}
    {% endif %}
inserts as (
      false "to_delete"
      {{ ref('stg_dms__cdc_products') }}
    where op = 'I'
    {% if is_incremental() %}
    and last_update_time > (
        select max(last_update_time)
        from {{ this }}
    {% endif %}

You can see the logic for the updates, inserts, and deletes CTEs is the same except for the op value. This could be extracted to a macro.

Since this is an incremental materialization, we also only care about new rows.

Finally we want to union the CTEs. dbt will create a temporary view that is joined in the generated MERGE statement. The generated MERGE will look something like:

merge into stg_products_merged as DBT_INTERNAL_DEST
using stg_products_merged__dbt_tmp as DBT_INTERNAL_SOURCE
on (
when matched then update set ...
when not matched then insert …

There are some further considerations:

  1. The model assumes that the stg_dms__products model has no duplicated data. This allows us to use union all instead of union which will result in more efficient query execution in Trino.
  2. We can make the MERGE statement more efficient and read less data from the target table by including incremental_predicates in our model config. A common strategy is to only read data for the last 7 days from the target table.

For deletes, they can be handled in 2 ways which we will discuss next.

Soft Deletes

dbt recommends following a soft delete approach where no data is actually deleted from a model. This is implemented by somehow marking the rows that should be considered deleted.

The CDC data produced by Amazon DMS has an operation type in the op field associated with each change operation. Using this field, we can identify insert, update, and delete operations.

First let’s define the config for our model:

-- depends_on: {{ ref('stg_dms__products') }}
        materialized         = 'incremental',
        unique_key           = 'product_id',
        incremental_strategy = 'merge',
        on_schema_change     = 'sync_all_columns'

This is going to be an incremental model and use the merge strategy which means a MERGE statement will be generated.

We create CTEs that correspond to insert, update, and delete operations as shown in the previous section.

To implement the soft delete approach, we add an additional field named to_delete. This is only set to false in the CTE for the delete operations.

Now we can build another model stg_products which references this model that filters out any data marked as deleted:

        materialized = 'view'
  {{ ref('stg_products_merged') }}
  to_delete = false

Since this model is materialized as a view, there is no additional overhead to using this approach.

Hard Deletes

If there is a requirement to actually delete data from a model, we can achieve this with a post_hook in our model. We have a model named stg_products_hard_delete that shows this approach.

With this approach our model is the exact same with the additional to_delete field. We just change our model config:

-- depends_on: {{ ref('stg_dms__cdc_products') }}
        materialized         = 'incremental',
        unique_key           = 'product_id',
        incremental_strategy = 'merge',
        on_schema_change     = 'sync_all_columns',
        post_hook            = [
            "DELETE FROM {{ this }} WHERE to_delete = true"

We now have a post_hook that issues a DELETE statement to remove any data that is marked as deleted.

This DELETE statement can be made faster by adding an extra predicate like:

DELETE FROM {{ this }} WHERE to_delete = true AND last_update_time > date_add(‘day’, -7, current_timestamp)

Trino and Iceberg Considerations

The table properties for an Iceberg table can be specified in the properties map of the config macro for a model in dbt.

The operations referenced above can be called directly from a dbt model in a post_hook. For example, this model calls the expire_snapshots procedure and analyze function after the model is built in a post_hook:

        materialized         = 'incremental',
        properties           = {
            "partitioning" : "ARRAY['month(last_update_time)']",
            "sorted_by"    : "ARRAY['last_update_time']"
        unique_key           = 'product_id',
        incremental_strategy = 'merge',
        on_schema_change     = 'sync_all_columns',
        post_hook            = [
            "ALTER TABLE {{ this }} EXECUTE expire_snapshots(retention_threshold => '7d')",
            "ANALYZE {{ this }}"

The dbt project with all models discussed in this post can be found in this github repository.

This post was originally published, here 

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