

Starburst is the data company, not the candy company. Our data lakehouse platform combines the best of data lakes, data warehouses and data virtualization. Starburst, based on open-source Trino (formerly PrestoSQL), is the Data Platform for AI & ML.

Our flagship products include: Starburst Galaxy and Starburst Enterprise.

What is the main difference between Starburst Galaxy and Starburst Enterprise?

Starburst Galaxy requires minimal expertise from data engineers and platform administrators. Administrative tasks are handled with a user-friendly interface. Starburst Enterprise requires in-depth knowledge of data sources and deployment platforms.

Starburst Galaxy is managed and maintained by Starburst available on AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud. In comparison, Starburst Enterprise can run on-premise and in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and Red Hat Openshift, but are managed and maintained by the customer.

Related reading: Why did we call our product Starburst Galaxy?

What is Starburst in Azure? 

Starburst Galaxy and Enterprise are both available on the Azure marketplace. Starburst integrates with a number of Azure services to make big data projects easier and less costly to develop and operate including: Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Storage, External Hive Metastore, Microsoft PowerBI, Azure Cosmos DB Connector

What is Starburst in AWS?

Starburst Galaxy and Enterprise are both available on the AWS marketplace. Starburst also integrates with popular AWS services including: Redshift, Glue, S3, EKS, EC2, Lake Formation, Quick Sight. 

What is Starburst in Google Cloud?

Starburst Galaxy and Enterprise are both available on the Google marketplaceGoogle customers can now use Starburst to federate and run analysis on their data stored in BigQuery alongside on-premises and cross-cloud data directly from Dataplex using Looker or their BI tool of choice.

Starburst vs data warehouse | Is Starburst a data warehouse?

Starburst itself is not a data warehouse, but can act as a single access point for querying and managing data across various sources, which results in data warehouse-like functionalities. Essentially, you can bring warehouse-like capabilities to a data lake by adopting a data lakehouse architecture that enables organizations to benefit from low cost object storage of a lake and the high performant and well governed analytics of a warehouse.

Starburst vs data lake | Is Starburst a data lake?

Starburst itself is not a data lake. However, Starburst can be used as a query engine, enabling efficient querying and data management within existing data lake environments​​.

Starburst vs data lakehouse | Is Starburst a data lakehouse?

Starburst itself is not a data lakehouse; however, Starburst is a data lakehouse platform that combines the best of data lakes, data warehouses and data virtualization. Starburst is compatible with modern data lakehouse technologies like Apache Iceberg, Delta Lake, and Apache Hudi. These technologies have evolved to address the limitations of traditional data lakes, making them more suitable for analytics and other complex use cases. 

Starburst vs data mesh | Is Starburst a data mesh?

Starburst contributes to building and managing data mesh architectures. Starburst includes features such as the capability to connect to various data sources, support for building and sharing data products, and enhanced security features such as attribute-based access control. These capabilities can be instrumental in building and sharing data products, a key component of a data mesh.

Is Starburst a data virtualization tool?

Modern data virtualization solutions like Starburst let you leave your data in place while making data more accessible and productive. Starburst has the capability to define a semantic layer, enabling the use of standard ANSI SQL across various data sources. This approach provides a unified query interface over diverse data sources, which is a key characteristic of data virtualization tools​​.

Who is the CEO of Starburst data?

The CEO of Starburst Data is Justin Borgman

Is Starburst a unicorn?

Starburst is not a unicorn. However we have reached unicorn valuation, which means that we are a privately held startup company with a current valuation of 1 billion U.S. dollars or more.

Is Starburst data public? Is Starburst data a publicly traded company?

Starburst data is not a publicly traded company…yet. 

Where is Starburst software headquarters?

Starburst headquarters is located at: 101 Federal Street, 18th Floor, Boston, MA 02110

Is Starburst a SaaS?

Starburst Galaxy is the new fully-managed SaaS service from Starburst that provides enterprise-ready Starburst clusters which can be deployed within minutes. Starburst Galaxy is also the fastest and easiest way to get started with open source Trino. 

Who does Starburst data compete with?

Compare these vendors with Starburst vs Snowflake vs Databricks vs Dremio

Is Starburst a competitor to Snowflake?

Compare Starburst with Snowflake. With Starburst, get up to a 55% improved TCO and 90% faster time to insight without the Snowflake lock-in. Snowflake is too expensive for all your data. 

What is Starburst Trino? Is Starburst the same as Trino?

Starburst is not the same as Trino. Starburst leverages Trino (formerly PrestoSQL), an open source-based massively parallel processing (MPP) engine to performance-enhancing features that reduce query times and speed time-to-insight. Martin Traverso, Dain Sundstrom, and David Phillips are all co-creators of Presto and Trino, co-founders of the Trino Software Foundation, and CTOs at Starburst.

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

Up to $500 in usage credits included

  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
For more deployment options:
Download Starburst Enterprise

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