
Data Mesh For Dummies Big Data LDN

Elevate the value of data as a product

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Many organizations today struggle to confidently extract business value from data.

Data is difficult to locate, access and derive value from in a timely and well governed fashion. It’s natural to embrace the idea of being data-driven, but far more difficult to execute on that commitment. Data Mesh provides a strategic framework for the people, process, and technological aspects of that journey towards becoming data-driven.

Get your free complimentary copy today to learn how to:

  • Build valuable, secure data products
  • Shorten the path between data and business value
  • Discover tips for a successful Data Mesh implementation

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Meet the Authors

Colleen Tartow, Ph.D.

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Colleen Tartow, Ph.D. has over 20 years of experience in data, advanced analytics, engineering, and consulting, and she has been obsessed with data her entire life. Adept at assisting organizations in deriving value from a data-driven culture, she has successfully led diverse data, engineering, and analytics teams through the development of complex global data management solutions, and architecting SaaS and enterprise data systems. Her demonstrated excellence in data and engineering leadership makes her a trusted senior advisor among executives, and her work has led to her speaking and mentoring in a variety of venues in Boston and beyond. Colleen is currently director of engineering at Starburst and holds a Ph.D. in astrophysics.

Andrew Mott, MBA

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With more than 20 years of experience in data analytics, Andy Mott is skilled at optimizing the utility of analytics within organizations. When determining how to generate value or fortifying existing revenue through technologies, Andy considers the alignment of an organization’s culture, structure and business processes. He ensures that the strategic direction of the organization will ultimately enable organizations to out compete their respective markets. In his spare time, Andy enjoys tinkering with his home Hadoop cluster and Linux is his preferred operating system. Andy Mott is currently EMEA head of partner solutions architecture and a Data Mesh lead at Starburst, and lives in the United Kingdom.

Adrian Estala

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Adrian Estala is the VP, Field Chief Data Officer and the host of Data Mesh TV. With a background in leading Digital and IT Portfolio Transformations, he understands the value of creating executive frameworks that focus on material business outcomes. Skilled with getting the most out of data-driven investments, Adrian is your trusted adviser to navigating complex data environments and integrating a Data Mesh strategy in your organization.

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