

Starburst Galaxy for Startups

The Data Lake Accelerator program provides you with the resources you need to build and scale your data lake


What does the program entail?


Free Starburst Galaxy credits

Receive $2500 in credits for Starburst Galaxy, the fully managed data lake analytics platform built on Trino.

Expert technical advice

Leverage free one-on-one consultation sessions with the Trino experts as you start your lake journey.

Go-to-market opportunities

Work with Starburst’s network of partners and customers to amplify your startup’s growth and data journey.

Frequently asked questions


  • Who qualifies for the Data Lake Accelerator program? Any startup looking to build their first data lake or data lakehouse. For more detailed qualification criteria, apply on our site and talk with our team.


  • Can I apply if I’m already using Starburst or Trino? Yes! You do not have to be new to Starburst or Trino to be eligible for the program.


  • How long do I have to use the free credits? Once granted, you have six months to use the $2500 free credits.


  • What other benefits does my startup get if I am part of the Data Lake Accelerator program? We know building a lake is hard, but we are here to help. That’s why in additional to the technical services sessions, participants in the Data Lake Accelerator program will receive early access to new product features and will help dictate our product roadmap.


Ready to get started?


Apply now

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

Up to $500 in usage credits included

  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
For more deployment options:
Download Starburst Enterprise

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