
Akshat Nair is the Data Analyst of the Year for his strategic involvement in fostering a data-driven environment at DoorDash. Collaborating closely with Starburst and AWS, Akshat drove significant improvements in cost optimization, query performance, and data integration, resulting in faster access to data and enhanced operational efficiency. His efforts led to a seamless integration of disparate data sources within Doordash’s data lake architecture and faster access to data (cutting it down from hours to minutes) when ready by using query federation capabilities of Starburst. Akshat’s visionary approach empowers teams to manage and access data independently, fostering improved agility across the organization.

Akshat Nair

Engineering Leader (Data Platform), DoorDash

Fun Facts

— Akshat Nair

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

Up to $500 in usage credits included

  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
For more deployment options:
Download Starburst Enterprise

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